About INVANI - Development & Launch
Having had the “eureka” moment that it may be possible to design cycling clothing that looks and feels great and that is also reversible we set about trying to put this into practise.
The first steps were to produce very crude proof-of-concept garments. Though far from stylish, they were useful as a means of developing thoughts about the most appropriate fabrics to use, the elements of the finishing that were relatively easy to make reversibly and those that needed greater thought.
A critical next step was meeting with the most highly regarded fabric manufacturers. It really is true to say that it would not be possible to make high quality garments if the raw fabrics are not up to standard. It should be said that almost without exception these guys have all been true pro’s and really know their stuff.
To start the sampling process, we engaged an experienced Pattern Maker with whom over several months and numerous iterations we developed and tweaked fit and details for all garments, allowing for extensive testing of these prototypes.
The next step was to find a high-quality manufacturer that we were happy to work with. After speaking with several top manufacturers we selected the one that holds common values to us as well as offering very high quality finished products. As we began producing first production samples the process became much more detail-oriented as we filtered through fabrics as well as construction and finishing options. Through several rounds for sampling and testing we finally reached the position of placing our production order and awaiting launch.
As we awaited delivery of stock we put the finishing touches to the systems needed to offer customers a simple and smooth experience from browsing to receiving products.
Following launch, we were very pleased with the customer response and all the time spent in the development phase means that the almost universally positive response from customers is all the more satisfying as they have brought our concept to life. In another positive sign, we are already starting to receive repeat orders and its always a pleasure to hear feedback from customers, who are now spread all over the world.
We look forward to increasing our dialogue with customers and bringing some more great products out in 2020 so stay tuned and we look forward to taking the next steps in our development with as many of you as possible!
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